Monday, August 16, 2010

The Traveller

In my brothers' room, two single beds. I'm sitting on the edge of the right one, my elder brother in front of me, sitting on the left one. We're just staring into each other. My second brother comes. He enters the room, walks between us, then leaves. 

I'm still staring into my elder brother. A few minutes pass, I look at him again and say "Did O (my other brother) arrive from Canada yet?". He answers "Yup, two months ago".

I scream.

Another dream that woke me up in a rush, having to  turn the lights on, to resume my sleep. 

Friday, August 13, 2010

A night at Ray Romano's.

It was dark, and only one projector was on. It was pointing at Ray Romano, and I was in front of him. I was in the "Everybody loves Raymond" set.
Ray was holding a blue perfume glass bottle. He was grinning, so foolishly. He was playing with this oh so dangerous bottle. I felt horrible. I knew something will happen. There's something wrong with that bottle. The audience knew it also, they were afraid of what he will and can do with this damned object. But Ray is still there, grinning, and playing. I hated him so much at this moment. Why wouldn't he realise the amount of responsibility that lays in his floppy hands.
His foolish grin turned to a cruel laugh. He took the bottle firmly with his right hand. Put it in position. The audience screamed from the top of their lungs, that something horrible would happen if he pushed the spray button. His devilish grin grew bigger as their screams got louder. I was in the middle, my eyes frozen on his hand, I wished I could stop him, but I knew that the worst is about to happen. And it happened. He sprayed the perfume, not once, but twice. And a dreadful NO! was let out from the terrified audience, that triggered my falling into darkness.

I woke up. My heart pounding so rapidly.
It was that same feeling I got watching Mulholland Dr. with the dirty bum getting out from behind the wall in the diner. Nothing happens, but your heart just jumps up at the horrible sight. That blue bottle might've had something to do with the blue little pyramid the girls find at the Silencio club.

All I know, when I woke up, I had to turn the light on so I could relax and go to sleep again.

And here's the drawing I made, having this dream in mind:

(click to see in original size)